Single-Tooth Implants in Milwaukee

When one or more teeth are extracted, it's important to have these teeth replaced to protect your oral health. Replacement options include partial dentures, fixed partial dentures (also referred to as bridges), or dental implants. Of course, leaving the area without a tooth replacement is an option. However, it can lead to significant changes in your bite and appearance and is not usually recommended. As you are making your consultation appointment at Community Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, here is some information that will help explain what a dental implant is and how it works.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a tooth replacement option that is as close to a natural tooth as we have available in our armamentarium. The dental implant process has two separate but intertwined processes. The first is replacing the root structure (or the foundation), and the other is replacing the crown structure (or the functional/esthetic) component. At Community Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we will replace the tooth's root by placing a dental implant in an area as close as possible to where the root of the missing tooth was. After 2-4 months of allowing the implant to fuse with the bone, Dr. Khader and her team will ensure that the implant is where it needs to be and is doing well. Then Dr. Khader will ask your restorative dentist to replace the crown. The crown attaches to the implant via a central component called an abutment. The crown is either screwed in with the abutment or cemented with dental glue onto the abutment. 

Implant Placement Uncovered Implant

Anterior Single Tooth Abutment

Anterior Single Tooth Final

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants become anchors in the bone. The implant fuses with the bone, becoming part of the body. This will enable it to have a crown or bridge using the implant as an anchor. The osseointegration technology has been around for years and has proven successful in function and aesthetics. 

Dental Implant Benefits

Dental implants provide a fixed replacement for missing teeth; that means that the teeth don't come out of the mouth. Another benefit is that dental implants don't require adjacent teeth to be shaved down or used as anchors. In other words, a dental implant provides a replacement of a missing tooth without compromising the long term health of the adjacent teeth. Teeth implants improve function and appearance while sparing the adjacent teeth from any trauma.

How Long Does It Take to Get Single-Tooth Implants?

The length of your treatment will vary. It could take anywhere from two months, to over a year an a half. Some of the determining factors including: whether or not the tooth we are replacing is still present, is there sufficient good bone that will serve as a foundation for the implant (is there need for bone grafting), which jaw are we working on (upper or low jaw), and many other factors.

For instance, if your lower molar tooth is broken and needs to be extracted, we may be able to remove the tooth and place an implant immediately. Then you will likely be able to get your final crown about three months from the date we remove the tooth and place the implant. However, if we remove the tooth and find that the area requires bone grafting, then we'd need to wait 3-4 months after grafting to place an implant. Then the implant needs to undergo osseointegration (or fusing). This entire process could then be about 8-10 months. If teeth have been missing for many years, and extensive bone grafting is needed, that will require six months of healing, after which we will need to place the implants and wait another 4-6 months of recovery. In this case, you are looking at about a year. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With good oral hygiene habits, dental implants should last a lifetime. However, these implants require attention just like natural teeth (if not more). If teeth are affected by gum disease, or if the soft tissue coverage of the implant is not ideal, the implant could fail. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dr. Khader will consider a number of factors when she offers dental implants as a treatment options: General health, overall oral health, and oral health maintenance and oral hygiene. Additional items include anatomic structure, risks vs. benefit analysis, and periodontal disease.

Why Choose Community Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Community Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery strives to provide the best experience and results possible. We work diligently to communicate with your general dentist to ensure that what we do is aligned with what is needed restoratively. We use 3D CT scans and merge them with camera-generated teeth impressions. This will allow us to identify the best position for the future single-tooth implant with no guesswork. 

Once the position of the implant is determined, our team will input the plan into the robotic dental implant arm's software. As a result, surgery time is reduced, and the outcome is as precise as possible.

Outside of technology, we also look at the mouth as a whole. We evaluate the needs of the entire patient and not just the tooth. We listen to our patients and allow as much time for discussion and questions as possible. Lastly, once we place an implant, we always follow up with the patient closely. We make sure that we see our patients not just after the implant is placed but also after the crown is placed. This will allow us to detect any concerns before they become problems.

To learn more about how a single-tooth implant could benefit you, schedule your consultation with Dr. Khader and her trusted team today!

Call 414-810-1707 to schedule an appointment.