Digital Intraoral Scanner

digital intraoral scans

Community Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery uses the CareStream 3700 digital intraoral scanner to create 3D impressions of the patients' teeth and surrounding structures. In addition to being much more comfortable for the patient, the digital intraoral scanner provides a new, comfortable, and precise way for our office to take digital impressions of patients’ teeth and the surrounding structures.

Taking accurate impressions of a patient’s teeth is a key component in developing a custom-made treatment plan for your upcoming oral and maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Khader, your referring general dentist or dental specialist, and the dental laboratory will use the information obtained from this impression to create custom-made components for restoring your dental implants. This information can also be used to create custom-made mouth guards and night guards.

*Photos courtesy of Carestream Dental

digital intraoral scans